So after the voice work with the youth theatre on their production of Our Day Out I have auditioned myself for a role in Anton Chekhov's Three Sisters and I have been offered the part of Kulygin, husband of Masha. At this stage, one rehearsal in, I must admit I am finding the play as translated by Michael Frayn quite a mystery to grasp what the heck is happening. Or not happening. There seems to be a longing to go to Moscow and a lot of talk about philosophy, a fire in the garrison town where they live and a duel and a couple of affairs. The director is a professor in Russian studies so we have the benefit of being able to learn the correct way to say the characters names. Olga ain't Olga at all - it is pronounced Oil-ga.
Image from another production
I am hoping that the play is one of those that looks a bit tedious and long winded on paper but in the process of rehearsal something magical happens. I'll keep you posted.